Announcement Safe Relay Mailloop monitor

vrijdag, 15 september 1 minuut

The maintenance is now complete. Thank you for your patience.

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The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


We would like to inform you that from the 15th of September 2023, we will no longer monitor Safe Relay mail domains via the mailloop/auto answer mechanism.

In the recent period we have extensively reviewed our monitoring and expanded it with other improved monitoring systems to always ensure secure mail communication with your domain.

Due to the many other continued (improved) checks, it became clear that the mailloop/auto answer mechanism no longer has any added value, because of this we are going to phase it out.

There will be no downtime or impact. However, there might still be a mailloop transport rule or mailbox on your mail server, which can be cleaned up.

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  • ZorgMail
    • ZorgMail Safe Relay