Scheduled maintenance

maandag, 27 november 4 uur

This maintenance was cancelled. When a new moment is planned we will let you know.

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We have planned maintenance.

Our reference: 512392

What we are going to do: Updating & migrate production environment to MedMij version 2.0.

Expected impact: Short interruption possible of the mentioned services. There is a small risk of forced closure of active sessions. After 17:00 hours PHR's who continue to only run on MedMij 1.6. will no longer be able to interact with myhealthConnect. As on November 28 MedMij 2.0 becomes the required version we expect that this will only be for a short period of time while PHR's are also transitioning from MedMij 1.6 to MedMij 2.0.

Release notes: Please see

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  • myhealthConnect