Sorry, we are having issues


Followup: Yesterday around 14:15 there were issues at our hosting provider, which caused multiple of our services to be unavailable. Most services (BIP, lspConnect, myEnovation, Passage ID, xdsConnect, ZorgMail Safe Relay) were back up running around 14:40. The other ZorgMail services were resolved around 19:15, with exception for ZorgMail EDI. The hosting provider resolved all issues around 21:25. Any messages during the downtime are delayed. For any questions, reference to 474169.

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ZorgMail EDI is recovered around 21:25. Delivery of messages are delayed.

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ZorgMail EDI is still recovering. All other ZorgMail services are back operational around 19:15

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ZorgMail is still recovering

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Wordt hersteld

Currently resolving issues. The following services has recovered around 14:40.

  • BIP
  • lspConnect
  • myEnovation
  • Passage ID
  • xdsConnect
  • ZorgMail Safe Relay

ZorgMail is still recovering

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update: Multiple services unavailable

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In onderzoek

Unfortunately, we are currently experiencing problems with of one or more systems. When more information is known, we will provide you with a status update as soon as possible.

Reference: 474169

Impact: Service(s) is/are unavailable.

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Van toepassing op
  • Business Integration Platform (BIP)
    • Berichtendienst
      • AS2
      • Webservices
      • VPN Douane
      • SFTP
      • FTP
      • Verwerking berichten
      • E-mail
      • X.400
    • Codetab
    • Webwis
  • lspConnect
    • lspConnect Core
    • lspConnect GZN connection
    • lspConnect SBV-Z
    • lspConnect User-Console
    • lspConnect ZORG-AB
    • lspConnect Viewer
    • lspConnect ZORG-ID
  • myEnovation
  • Passage ID
  • xdsConnect
    • xdsConnect Audit Viewer
    • Enovation XDS Viewer
    • xdsConnect Hub
    • xdsConnect other services
    • xdsConnect Viewer
  • ZorgMail
    • Lab4Apo
    • Veilig verzenden plug-in (desktop)
    • Send Secure plug-in (web)
    • ZorgMail Adresboek API
    • ZorgMail Adresboek Web
    • ZorgMail Chat
    • ZorgMail E-Zorg connection
    • ZorgMail EDI
    • ZorgMail FileTransfer
    • ZorgMail Hosted Mail
    • ZorgMail M.Center
    • ZorgMail Safe Relay
    • ZorgMail Send Message
    • ZorgMail Viewer